Welcome to this site containing items of historical interest to Bahá’ís: photos of Bahá’í communities around the world, recordings of music by Bahá’ís, and some reminiscences and talks, mostly from the 1970s. These materials may be downloaded and used for non-commercial purposes as long as the notice “© Gregory C. Dahl” is appended (unless otherwise noted on this website). Feel free to share the link to this site with other friends you think might be interested.
To download a photo, open the large version in the slide show view. In Windows right-click, and on a Mac ctrl-click, and then choose the option to download.
The player for recordings has a play/pause button on the right. When you are playing a track, the file name is displayed, with the total time and play time in small numbers to the right. Under the title is the current play position and the download (buffer) display, and a volume control to the right. The buttons on the bottom include a drop-down list of the tracks, a button to display the whole player as a separate popup window, and a download button to download the current track to your computer. Here is an example:
Fire and Snow record album
To download a recording track, use the down-arrow icon in the player. Many recording also have a link to a .zip file of all tracks, which can be downloaded by right-clicking on the link.
Please send me a message to greg650@dahls.net if you have any comments about this site or corrections to any of the information given on the site, including the photo captions.
– Greg Dahl