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With our Baba (Emi’s mother) needing more continuous care, we stayed in Bulgaria the first two months of 2022.

In early March we returned to our home in Hluboká nad Vltavou in the Czech Republic. In April, Joyce and her boyfriend Taylor visited, and Greg and Emi attended a big regional Bahá’í gathering in Romania.

In late May, Gregory and Merle were in Providence for his formal Brown University graduation ceremony. Meanwhile, Emi and Greg flew to New York to meet Mina at the end of her term at Bard College, and then the three of us travelled to Vancouver, Washington, where we bought a condominium.

In mid-June Emi flew to Bulgaria to take care of her mother, and Greg joined her in mid-July. Meanwhile, Mina spent three weeks with Joyce in London, and then few to Bulgaria. Joyce came in August and Taylor joined us in September.

In November, Emi and Greg visited Gregory and Merle in their new home in Dublin, and then flew to the U.S. to rent a U-Haul truck and move everything stored in a storage unit in Gilroy, California, since Greg’s mother’s passing to our new place near Vancouver, Washington.

In December, we all joined Joyce for her graduation ceremony from London Met University, where she had completed her studies in sports and dance therapy. Emi, Greg and Mina then returned to Bulgaria to be with Baba for the end-year holidays. Gregory and Merle joined us at the end of December.